Scanwel in Bala, Gwynedd
With a large variety of manufacturers' backing, Scanwel are the definitive supplier of vacuum hardware solutions for the fields of academia, science, and industry. With their offerings directly benefiting and advancing the production and development of high technology fields such as nanotechnology, microelectronics, storage media, energy production, biomedical and basic materials research, this company also provides custom fabrication and chambers for both clean and UHV applications - with the largest stock in the UK of viewports, Foreline Traps and Cold Traps, Standard Vaccum components, heating tepes, jackets and tents, chambers, fabrication and baseplates, conflat, Klien and ISO flanges and fittings, angle valves, leak valves and gate valves, as well as motion, electrical, liquid and optical feedthroughs.
Distributors of expert solutions in vacuum, surface and nanosurface technologies, Scanwel are a distributor in the UK and Ireland for a number of industry leading companies such as Ametek, Anasys, Atlas, Createc, Hemi Heating, Imina, Iontof, Kimball, Nanonis, NT-MDT, Specs, Solid Sealing Technology, and Vab.
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